Friday, August 04, 2006

August 3rd, 2006.

SIP Day 74:


Had my first experience with a blood donation! The lime green bandage is so cool! So happy! Everytime there is a blood donation drive in TP, it always had overwhelming response!

I gave away my only NDP ticket to Christopher today. He worked so hard for NDD and had been very nice and lenient with me. Furthermore, he is intending to give his parents to watch the NDP. He is a very filial guy. I like that.

Today I am feeling much better. Kind of. I think my mood improved because I kind of gave instead of received. I like that kind of feeling. If someone can be happy because of something I had done, I am happy. People around me, parents, friends, buddies, mentors, and more, had always said that I always helped people even at my own expanse. I say yes to everyone and try to fit everything to my timetable. I try to help everyone but this will cost everyone to just have a little of what they expect of me. This will shortchange everyone who believed and had faith in me.

I will dwell on this. I think there are some things which I need to change... *wonders*

Good Night Singapore!