Monday, June 25, 2012


heard this from Robin during the wedding:
"Knowing you is fate. Being your friend is my choice. Falling in love with you is beyond my control." oh my... so sweet. wonder when will is be in his shoes, on the podium. 

Saturday, June 23, 2012


昨天晚上,当我看到落泪的你,我有了一股好想拥抱你的冲动。好想的紧紧的抱着你。嗨。我应该吗?我还是一样。 在表达这方面就是不知所措。你说能唱的出好听的情歌的歌手,都是有故事的。我不是秘密练歌,是听了有上千次同样的歌,看了上百次的MV,有了小小的体会,可以说一些领悟吧。我们都还是一样,可是又不一样。听我唱时,希望你有觉得我在这一年的时差,对感情的感触和体会。


Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Saturday, June 09, 2012


i know she knows the pros and cons of the job. there are always people who try for two years and are back to normal lives. like i said, the job is not hard. and the hard times will pass. one will never be junior forever. hmm. roster is difficult as one will live month by month. but off days are more than most and time can be made after a bit.

One thing is for sure. confirm couple code. :) hmm. but i can wish long long. sigh. 真的可以重来吗?


Tuesday, June 05, 2012


I did something damm stupid. I send her 2 postcards in NYC. slot a stack into US Mail Office, and I forgot to fill in her address... And I only realise this on the way back from Frankfurt to singapore... Arghhhhhhh! :( idiot. Finally got the courage to write and screwed up. Arghhh! I want to scream...!!!!