Just came back from National Day Rally. I heard I was captured on TV. *grins* Some parts of the speech was quite insightful. I thought I would have a hard time to stay awake. But everything was ok. All the topics that PM Lee touched on was more on the intangible matters, like the Singapore Heartware. Had a couple of chats with a few ministers and MPs. Most of the ministers' and MPs' first question was, "What do you think of the Rally?" or "Which topic of PM Lee's speech, touched you the most?" Quite standard. *grins*
Went to attend the International Chess: Inter-School Championships. It was held at Ngee Ann Secondary. It was quite a sight. Today was the primary school finals. There are over 180 teams! :o Cool! I want to join!
I need to shout out a regret! *sobs* Went out on Saturday. Was walking around Bugis Street. Walked past the shop which I saw the very nice "San Guo" Chinese Chess Set. They were closing down. Doing stock check. I saw a box label "Figurine Chinese Chess" in chinese. I should had asked them for it! I should had bought it. The first time I did not want to buy was because it was very expensive. I could have got discount cause they are closing down. *sobs*
Anyway going to work out tomorrow. Everyone is telling I am fat. *growls*sad*
Good Night Singapore!
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