Monday, July 31, 2006

July 30th, 2006.

SIP Day 70:


A couple of things happened for the past few days. Had quite a lot of meetings, work, leadership training camp, BR screening party at Nic's etc.

Went for bowling today. There was a CSC event just now.

LTC was fun. The process allow me to have some rediscovery why I had decided to run. Kind of rekindled. *wonders* Did dragon boating. Now my whole back and thighs are aching. After the bowling, my arms are also aching now. *sad* We even did field cooking! Cool. Can see the picture. It is when we are more or less done eating. *grins*

Too caught up with people chatting with me on MSN...

Went for the BR screening party yesterday. Got lost while en route there. So silly. Been there a couple of times before, still so blur. *grins* Was quite cool. Very crowded. Met up with a lot of people. Had fun. Saw my plushie. "Argh!" So freaky. *shivers* Can see my picture!

Helped out in packing of goodie bag for NDD. Did 2000 bags in 3 hours. According to the "old birds", we are very fast. *grins*

Thank you everyone for your concern. I am getting better if not yet recover. Sook! Very sorry. Could not turn up for your birthday dinner. Make it up to you next time ba.

Good Night Singapore.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work » »